Body Contouring-SculpSure
SculpSure is a non-invasive body contouring system for the reduction of stubborn fat in areas such as the abdomen and love handles. The 25-minute procedure destroys up to 25% of treated fat cells without surgery.
SculpSure is using specific wavelengths to target and heat up the fat cells to above the threshold the cells can keep their structure. As a result, up to 25% of the fat cells in the treated area can no longer stay viable and die. From that point for a period of up to 12 weeks, the body moves the dead cells away from the body.
SculpSure can treat several areas of the body where fat commonly accumulates. To protect the skin from the heat generated by the laser, SculpSure is using contact cooling plates. As a result, there is no skin damage and no downtime following the treatment.
How Does SculpSure Work?
Laser targets and heats fat cells under the skin without affecting the skin’s surface. SculpSure raises the temperature of fat cells damaging their structural integrity. Contact Cooling™ stays on throughout the treatment, which keeps the skin safe and comfortable. The damaged fat cells are removed naturally from your body through your lymphatic system. Once the fat cells are removed from your body they cannot regrow.
sculpsure faqs
Why is SculpSure your best option for fat removal?
What areas do we most often treat with SculpSure?
‘1. Abdomen
2. Flanks (“love handles”)
3. Back
4. Arms
5. Thighs’
Who is an ideal client for SculpSure?
‘SculpSure is an excellent solution for almost anyone who suffers from unwanted body fat that has not responded to exercise or diet changes. Clients should be close to their target weight, as SculpSure is not a weight loss solution. Ideal clients will also have realistic expectations about what can be achieved through SculpSure.’